Summer’s in full swing, and it’s the perfect time to whip out the grill and enjoy an evening filled with yummy food and great company. You can elevate one of summer’s best traditions by including your pets! Safety can be a big concern when hosting your nearest and dearest. With these simple tips, everyone, including Fido, will enjoy a fun and stress-free get-together to enjoy the sun.
Prepare a Pet-Friendly Evening
First, give your guests a heads-up that you’ll be including your pup in the festivities. This will improve safety for guests and pets by allowing everyone to accommodate each other. Notifying everyone involved will enable guests to decide what foods are most appropriate to bring to keep canines from tummy trouble. This also allows any guest who feels apprehensive about being around dogs to determine if they want to hang out with your fluffball!
Next, prepare a safe space for your doggy to escape when they’re ready for a break from all the excitement. This area should be out of the sun and away from any smoke. Have plenty of water and dog food available.
Lastly, prepare your grill with any safety accommodations and block off any other dangerous areas. Without preparation, your dog could become seriously injured around a hot grill. Block off the area around your grill to keep curious pups from burning themselves. This also protects your pooch from inhaling harmful chemicals and smoke, maintaining their lung health.
Be Attentive
Guests are arriving, and it’s time to get to work. As you welcome your friends, make sure your furry friends are being watched over as well. Keep a close eye on your pet throughout the night. Make sure they stay out of trouble. Cover trash cans, coolers, food, and any other items you don’t want them to get into.
While your dog enjoys its safe space, check-in and watch for signs of dehydration. If you see any of the following symptoms, your pup may need to hydrate.
Signs of Dehydration Among Dogs
- Excessive panting.
- Dry gums, mouth, or nose.
- Pale gums.
- Extreme fatigue or sluggish movements.
- Personality changes.
- Increased heart rate.
Your BBQ is finished cooking and smells delicious; even your four-legged friend wants a bite! It’s time to sit down and enjoy it with your friends and family. Feed your dog while you eat to keep your pup from patrolling the table for scraps that could cause a tummy ache.

Clean As You Go
You just finished your delicious meal, so it’s time to clean up. First, put away all cooked or uncooked food and keep it out of reach. Dogs should not eat fatty or heavily salted foods, corn on the cob, BBQ sauce, undercooked meat, chicken bones, or food directly from any heat source. If your dog gets ahold of any of these foods, don’t panic. Get the food away from your pooch as quickly as possible to prevent stomach issues, choking, and burns. Those are our yummy leftovers, not Fido’s!
While cleaning, use non-toxic supplies to keep your pets safe, and let your grill completely cool down before allowing anyone near.
You did it! You successfully hosted a great barbecue filled with fun and furry friends. Now you’re ready to start planning your next evening under the summer sky!